Not just sensation
(Sight, Sound, Touch, Taste, Smell, Mind);
(Sight, Sound, Touch, Taste, Smell, Mind);
Not just awareness;
Not just concentration;
Not just observation;
Not just recognition;
Not just communication;
Not just contact;Not just interconnection;
Not just interaction;
Not just interrelation;
Not just interdependence.
We are not just separate entities interacting.
Not just interdependence.
We are not just separate entities interacting.
We inter-are (*).
In Interbeing, in the only, unbounded,
impermanent, ever-evolving present moment,
there is already no separateness.
in distance or time.
We are distinct, but without separateness.
Understanding that we
In Interbeing, in the only, unbounded,
impermanent, ever-evolving present moment,
there is already no separateness.
in distance or time.
We are distinct, but without separateness.
Understanding that we
are empty of a separate, free-standing self,
we begin to realize the path
we begin to realize the path
to end suffering caused by the delusion of separateness.
in ourselves and all others.
- imho gs
in ourselves and all others.
- imho gs