
To Be is fraught;
To InterBe is Not.

- a koan by gs
2021.09.28.v1 2022.02.16.v2 2023.10.29 v3 
Unaware of any prior art or author,
but inspired in part by Thich Nhat Hanh.

GS: Plaque image generated by Google Chrome AI search based on the quote as the prompt 2024.01.22

No Lotus, No Mud

Familiar Thich Nhat Hanh quote:
"No Mud, No Lotus"

But also TNH:
~No Lotus, No Mud~
3 minutes 48 seconds into this 9-minute TNH video on non-duality 2020.xx 

GS: Google AI generated image of lotus rotting back into the lotus pond Mud.