FOXygen -- "The heady mix of partisan hackery, character assassination, and manufactured outrage."
"Foxygen" was coined by John Stewart on his Daily Show, May 12, 2011, as a protologism describing the kind of orchestrated disinformation that is continuously AIRed by FOX News.
"Jon Stewart again smacked Fox News for its fury over Common’s White House appearance, pointing out last night that only huffers of “Foxygen”—“the heady mix of partisan hackery, character assassination, and manufactured outrage” — would be bothered by the rapper’s performance." Cite with video:
That is what i submitted as a new entry t0 on May 13, 2011 -- the entry was published on June 6, under my nom de plume, WarIsNotTheAnswer.
Meanwhile, i added "FOXygen" to the "F" page of the Wiktionary List of Protologisms .
Blithe-whap -- See also the "B" page of the Wiktionary List of Protologisms where i added what i had long thought was my own creation of a protologism -- "Blithe-whap" -- for which i have now found (and cited) an additional, independent source of its usage -- albeit that source (mis-?) spelled it "blith-".